Today at Kruidvat, I got a free magazine entitled "All you need is love". Apparently that is the title of a famous Dutch tv show. I went to a bar, ordered a drink and some fries and started reading. Of course, the main topic is Love. A lot of interviews with people, shared stories. Like this quote:
"We both have our own life experiences which makes that we both don't have the illusion that the perfect relationship exists or that you can change the other into your perfect image. So we accept each others differences and enjoy the being together."
Beautiful insight, right? Then I started reading another article, about first loves, and what makes them so special. Ha, I tought, this is why my parents got divorced. And I started reading. At the end of the article, however, my stomach was squeezed together. If you think that I have no more anxiety now that I am happy in love with Vittorio, you are wrong!
What caused this anxiety?
Quotes: You grow up together, go to college together, spend a lot of time together at each others place, you know the family and the parents - much better than you later will know parents-in-law because now you are basically already there after school. In short: you share an entire history. Also important with a first relationship: it is also your first break-up. If the first love remains something magic, also depends on how it ended. If there was a lot of pain caused by for example infidelity or an abrupt divorce, you are hurt very deeply into your sould and of course you long less for your first love. But if you decided to end it together, there is less pain and he/she can have a special place in your heart forever.
As time moves on, and after some years of dissapointment in love, they come across each other again and realise they did not have it that bad after all. Maybe they had too high expectations at the time, or were too busy evolving that they lost each other in the process. But when they find each other again, they might realise: it was you all this time after all, you touch me the deepest, with you I can be myself.
All this followed by some succesful "finding each other again" stories. This scared me. Of course I know Vitto loves me and the past is in the past. For now. But what if in a few years we might be in a routine, or lose each other a bit. A history of 10 years, same nationalities, so many memories. I would be lying if I said I was not intimidated by this. I know I'm overthinking (again). And if it happens, than so be it and I should move on anyway. But it for sure bogs my mind now. Great - thanks a lot free magazine at Kruidvat.
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