Sunday, May 1, 2016

Stressy vs. Calm

I think one of the big plusses in this relationship is Vittorio's calmness. I have the tendency to stress about almost everything. Vittorio on the other hand is a very calm and relaxed person. At the beginning of our relationship I was still very anxious after all that happened with Redlef.

What if it goes wrong again? What if the distance between Hasselt and Amsterdam gets in between us? What if we just can't do this Long Distance Relationship thing? What if he meets someone else? For how long will we do this? Should I move to Amsterdam? But what about my furniture? And my car? Will his parents like me? Will there be a language barrier? I should learn Italian quickly. I'm telling you, once my brain sneaks into panick mode, it's all there.

Luckily I can talk to my man about my worries, my fears, my insecurities and he always knows how to calm me down again.

For example: we are planning a 3 day trip to the Ardens next week. We are going to the spa in Spa (hah!) for 1 day and I was reading reviews about it online. Not so good reviews. People saying it was more like an overrated pool instead of a spa. Too expensive for what it's worth. Oh no. I started panicking again. Should we just book 3 hours instead of an entire day then? Should we buy a combi-ticket with lunch included or not? What if it sucks and we want to get out? I told Vitto we might get dissapointed after Thermae 2000, but his words were: don't worry, we make the best out of it! And of course, he is right. That instantly calmed me down. We will make the best out of it.

After almost half a year of 'officially' being with Vitto and 10 months of knowing him, I already came a long way. I have my moments of insecurity of jealousy, but I can more easily get over them as well. Maybe it's a mix of his responding to my actions and the yoga classes I have been taking that made me this much more relaxed.

It also made me wonder if a 'calm' person with calmer hobbies might be exactly what a more nervous and anxious person needs. I think so. If I compare with who I was 1 year ago, with also a very nervous and also constantly active person, I changed a lot! His nervousness empowered mine and probably vice versa. And now maybe my 'great range of emotions' is also helping Vittorio express his. He knows I will understand and he can tell me anything.

I am looking forward to our little holiday that starts on thursday!! :-)

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